The Vision of Kerala Sports Association Members Social Welfare Co-operative
Society (KSAMSWCS) is to bring drastic changes in the Sports Segment of Kerala
by implementing different projects in co-operation with Government of Kerala, State
Sports Council and Kerala Olympic Association.
The aims of the Society are as follows.
- Identify and Train 10 Lakh students from different Sports Disciplines and to start
10,000 units in the first phase.
- Provide Uniforms, Sports Equipments and Training facility.
- Provide job placement for 5000 senior players as Trainers.
- Sports Training by taking over Stadiums and Swimming Pools after making
necessary maintenances.
- Buying Sports Equipments directly from the factory and sell it through the
sports shops of society on s discounted price.
- Making units for sports equipments.
- Making Apparel making units and providing job opportunities for Senior
Women Players.
- Sports Magazine in association with Kerala Olympic Association.
- Making Stadiums and other infrastructures on BOT basis.
- Making of Wellness centres across Kerala.
- Providing Loan for Professional Sports Education.
- Sports Hub in major centres.